Maison & Objet: Get inspired!

Maison & Objet: Get inspired!


It's a great pleasure to invite you to discover our new booth and our taxidermy collection at Maison & Objet Paris from the 18th until the 22nd of January 2019. You can find us in Hall 6A, Booth C68.


At Maison & Objet we would like to present to you our new collection. Our award-winning taxidermy department ensures that we can offer the best quality. 2 of our taxidermists are Dutch Champion taxidermy and 1 is European Champion taxidermy. We value craftmanship a lot .

 “The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry. Dare to be unique!”

Our taxidermists have worked very hard, so we can offer you a lot of unique and exclusive taxidermy items! This year we will introduce some big surprise items.


All our animals had a good life in zoos or breeding centers. We give these animals a second life, to show their beauty. DMW.NU is an official qualified taxidermy company. We work for various designers, natural history museums, universities, artists, etc.


Taxidermy is a preservation technique of mounting animals for science, for display or interiors. The word taxidermy is a combination of the Greek words ????? (taxis) moving and ????? (derma) skin: moving the skin. 

 For more information:

Mrs. Nicolette Naphausen, MA


[email protected]

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